The Art of Tranquility: 10 Ways To Cultivate Calm In Your Life

In a world that often feels like it’s spinning out of control — courtesy of relentless news cycles, endless notifications, and the general chaos of, well, everything — cultivating calm can seem like an Olympic-level challenge.

But achieving tranquility isn’t about retreating to a remote cabin (though, tempting) or becoming a yoga guru overnight. It’s an art, a fine balance of mindfulness, intentionality, and a healthy dose of self-care. Here are ten ways to bring a little more calm into your life — backed by science and sprinkled with just enough practicality to keep you sane.

October 16, 2024

Mindful Breathing

Let’s kick things off with a simple yet powerful tool: your breath — yes, the thing you’ve been doing unconsciously your whole life. Research shows that mindful breathing can reduce stress and anxiety, helping you keep your cool when everything else is melting down.

So take a few moments each day to focus on your breath — inhale for a count of four, hold for four, and exhale for four. Repeat until your shoulders drop and your mind feels less like a traffic jam. 

The MESHKI team at HQ swear by the Headspace guided meditation app for midday mindfulness breaks.

Declutter Your Space

You don’t need a scientific study to know that people in organised spaces tend to feel more positive and energetic. So, spend an afternoon clearing out unnecessary items. Not only will this give your space a refresh, but it’ll also clear up some mental real estate, making room for that elusive calm you’ve been chasing. Because can you really find inner peace when you’re tripping over yesterday’s laundry?

Establish a Routine

A consistent daily routine can provide structure and predictability — basically, it’s like giving your brain a well-planned itinerary, which it secretly loves. Incorporate rituals that bring you joy, whether it’s sipping coffee (or if you’re skipping the caffeine, we love the Imbibe Beauty Renewal Probiotic Concentrate) from your favourite mug or winding down with a little evening journaling.

A study from the University of Southern California found that routines can help reduce anxiety by instilling a sense of control over your day. In fact, they found that "routine can serve as a stabilising force in times of uncertainty" — so maybe your morning ritual isn’t just a habit, it’s practically therapy in a cup. You can check out more about the study here.

Unplug Regularly

Digital detoxes may seem like just another trend, but the science behind them is solid. The American Psychological Association (APA) notes that excessive screen time can significantly increase stress and anxiety levels. By stepping away from your devices, even for short periods, you give your brain a chance to reset and reduce that constant sense of urgency brought on by notifications and news feeds. A report from the APA’s Stress in America survey emphasises the mental health benefits of reducing screen time, citing that 43% of adults who are constantly connected to their devices experience heightened stress. 

So, schedule some screen-free moments in your day — even if it’s just an hour — and reconnect with yourself. You can do it, we believe in you.

Connect with Nature

Spending time in nature, even for just an hour, can significantly reduce stress by decreasing activity in the amygdala, the brain's emotion centre linked to anxiety. This natural remedy has the dual benefit of improving creative thinking and reducing rumination, that endless mental loop that keeps you replaying your stressors. A Stanford study found that a 60-minute walk in nature, compared to urban environments, had a notable calming effect on both mood and brain activity (Bratman et al., 2015)​. So, the next time your day feels like a treadmill of to-dos, swap your screen time for some green time.

But if you’re finding it hard to prioritise time outdoors, an infrared sauna might be a good stop-gap while you’re working on your deadline. These are a specific type of sauna that mimics the infrared wavelengths created by the sun (with the added bonus of leaving out any negative UV radiation). Added bonus — you can check your emails at the same time, although we don’t recommend it.

Practice Gratitude

Cultivating a gratitude practice can reframe your perspective on life, reducing feelings of anxiety and boosting overall happiness. Writing down what you’re grateful for can improve emotional well-being. Consider keeping a gratitude journal or simply sharing your appreciation with friends or family. And it’s also so fun to read over years later and see how far you’ve come.

Explore Creative Outlets

Whether it’s painting, writing, or crafting, engaging in creative activities can serve as a form of therapy. The American Journal of Public Health highlights how creative expression can reduce stress and enhance overall mental health. So pick up that paintbrush or dive into that DIY project — you might be surprised at how calming creativity can be.

Cultivate Social Connections

Strong social ties are vital for mental health and can significantly enhance your sense of tranquility. Social support can buffer against stress. Make time for friends and family, even if it’s just a quick catch-up over coffee.

Limit Multitasking

While it may feel productive, multitasking can actually lead to increased stress and decreased performance. Studies prove that multitasking can reduce productivity by as much as 40%. Focus on one task at a time, and watch how your efficiency — and calm — improves.

Embrace Mindfulness and Meditation

Finally, the art of tranquility often hinges on mindfulness and meditation practices. Regular meditation can decrease anxiety, improve concentration, and enhance emotional health. According to experts, meditation has a significant positive impact on psychological well-being. Start with just a few minutes each day and gradually increase as you become more comfortable.

Cultivating calm isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s about finding what resonates with you. It could be meditation OR it could be a 5 minute hair oiling ritual (we love the Hair Growth Oil from Hinu) —that way you’re practising your self care at the same time. 

By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you’ll not only foster a sense of tranquility but also create a sanctuary amidst the noise.

Feeling calm and a little more zen? Ready to match your outsides to how you feel on the inside? Shop our Tranquility Collection here.